
The MALI FALA FUND greatly appreciates ANY and ALL donations. Every dollar counts and Your support will go a long way in Mali.

ALL donations are tax deductible!

There are many ways in which you may donate to the MALI FALA FUND.

1) We would like to encourage people to sign up for the “FRIEND” or “ANGEL program. Friend in Bambara is translated to “TERI” and the translation for Angel is “DEME BACA”.

“TERIS” will sign up for a $50 a year donation for five years and

“DEME BACAS” will sign up for $100 a year donation for five years.

2) We can accept direct monthly payments of five dollars and up. The amount of your choice can be automatically taken from your account and deposited directly into the MALI FALA FUND account.

3) FOR THAT SPECIAL OCCASION: Give a gift that enriches someone else’s life – whether to mark a birth or passing, to celebrate a wedding, graduation or birthday, Mothers day, Fathers day, Christmas, Hanukah and all events that are worthy of celebration. For each dedication, a personalized card will be sent to the recipient. There are three cards to choose from and each one captures a memorable moment from the women and children of Mali. The card choices are shown below.


Postcard Image 1

Postcard Image 2

Postcard Image 2

Postcard Image 3

Postcard Image 3

4) The MALI FALA FUND also accepts the donations of miles from any airline to assist us in covering our traveling expenses to and from Mali.

5) We can accept donations via PAYPAL or you may mail a cheque, made payable to MALI FALA FUND, to :

2323 Vista Gordo Drive,Los Angeles,California 90026 USA.,

However you choose to donate each and every contribution will help the MALI FALA FUND operate the CENTRE POUR le DEVELOPPEMENT DES FEMMES and will enable us to eventually enlarge our facility to accommodate more students and expand our children’s program.

The MALI FALA FUND welcomes your personal involvement and relies on your commitment.

Please feel free to email us: or call: 323 660 1574
Many thanks.

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